Mother in law Every man who marries has one, the mother in law . Lots of jokes over the years have been told of the mother in law . And a picture emerges of a grumpy old lady with her hair in curlers her handbag draped over one arm and a rolling pin in the other hand . My mother in law was nothing like this, she had a very strong mind and could cut a man off at his knees from 30 paces with her tongue. She suffered no fools and was a good businesswoman . But along with all of these attributes she had a heart of gold, always there to help in our times of need and the rest of the family s needs and w a n t s . For 37 years I had a fierce mother in law who didnt take to me, gave me a rough ride, but in all of this she was very generous kind and thoughtful. Around 5 years ago upon leaving her abode I turned, gave her a kiss on the forehead, and a miracle happened, from that moment on I could do no wrong it was as though s o m e o n e h a d flicked a switch. So the last 5 years have been so very nice and pleasant. J u s t a s w e h a v e this n e w relationship, my mother in law sadly passed away. To maureen for s o long my nemesis, fly high with the Angel's, I hope your with your beloved brother Sean . Until we meet again.